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Sri Swamiji

Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji

His Holiness Parama Pujya Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji is the Pontiff of Avadhoota Datta Peetham at Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Ashrama in Mysore, India.

He was born fully realised in command of the eight Mahasiddhis and is a Guru in the Dattatreya Avadhoota lineage.

Sri Swamiji is the greatest spiritual leaders of the present day is an asset to India and the world at large.
Revival of culture, reformation of society and establishing peace, happiness and universal brotherhood among mankind and transforming into godly men is His mission.

Sri Swamiji built more than 77 Datta temples all over the world,
installing hundreds of Deities in these Temples. Established hundreds of Gnana Bodha Sabhas,
He is renowned for His Music for Healing and Meditation music and performed more than one hundred Music for Healing and meditation concerts across the globe
and composed more than 15000 songs extempore, conducted thousands of bhajans sessions as part of his mission.

He is considered a divine guide who cultivates the ancient Vedic traditions. He is revered as a great Yogi and Saint

Sri Swamiji honours all religions and teaches that it’s possible to reach God by many paths.

“It is of primary importance to attune with God through prayer, worship and the chanting of God’s holy names”. “Then God Himself will give you good guidance” says Sri Swamiji.

He is also beloved Guru, Father, Mother, Teacher, Friend, Musician, Appaji and Sri Swamiji to his devotees.